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More Than 40 Years of Outstanding Calibration Services

At Nationwide Gage Calibration, Inc., we are committed to providing quality service and ensuring customer satisfaction throughout the U.S. and Canada. We do this by delivering exceptional services that fulfill our clients’ specifications and specialized needs to comply with their quality system requirements.

Solid Expertise in Metrology

Our technicians have more than two hundred years of combined experience in metrology. This allows us to tailor our services to the unique requirements of our customers. 

Accreditations and Compliance

We are certified to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994 (R2002) for calibration through ANAB. All of our calibration activities are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (N.I.S.T.) and are delivered in compliance with our quality management systems.

Our Solutions


On-Site Calibration Services

Our calibration services can be conducted either at your own facility or in our laboratory. We customize our solutions for fast turnaround, affordable calibration, and reliable recalibration reminder notices.


Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance

Our technicians have extensive knowledge of precision measuring tools, which allows us to offer repair services for a wide variety of instruments. Our team ensures prompt turnaround and exceptional repair solutions at competitive prices.


Tech Support

Nationwide Gage Calibration stands ready to support our customers in preparation before, after, and during audits. We also offer training, consultation, and guidance on precision equipment and asset management systems.


New Instrument Orders

If your equipment needs retrofitting, replacement or upgrading, our team will help you find the right solutions. 

What Makes Us Different

Quality - Integrity - Value

Nationwide Gage Calibration, Inc.

Commitment to Customer Satisfaction

Because of our unwavering dedication to fulfilling client’s needs, we have earned a reputation for reliability, integrity, and expert performance. We have also built long-term partnerships with major industry leaders to better serve our customers.

Nationwide Gage Calibration, Inc.

Connect With Us

To learn about special pricing on tool purchase and calibration combinations, reach out to us today. We look forward to assisting you.